What is IAB accreditation

IAB is an international accreditation process where the universities, colleges and training institutions get accreditation for maintaining quality and standard guidelines. The sole purpose of IAB is to set an international benchmark for the students while they receive skills from our accredited universities, colleges or any institution.

IAB is an independent body. We do not operate under any government schemes or programmes. IAB is also a self funding body that does not receive any special grants or monetary aid from any institutions or individuals. Our principles and clauses change as per the updates in the educational-value systems in the modern. We constantly focus on the quality and updated skill set while rendering our accreditation to the universities and other institutions.

If the university or the institution matches the International Quality Standards, IAB will consider the university or institution for the accreditation process. With IAB accreditation, the schools, colleges, universities, distance learning or educational service providers can make sure that their learning programmes are at par with the international quality standards.

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