Accreditation of Single Courses

Apart from rendering accreditation to the universities and colleges, IAB is also responsible for giving accreditation to a single course. However, it is important to note that the accreditation from IAB do not hamper any governmental accreditation. The single accreditation process of the IAB is completely based on the fact that the quality of the course matches our standards and quality guidelines. The sole purpose of giving accreditation to single courses is to ensure that the individuals get quality training for the improvement of their own skills and make a mark on their career field. The single accreditation is completely based on the quality of the skills that can be retrieved from the training courses.

However, the single accreditation process is more rigid and involves several inspections than accreditation to normal universities and colleges. The accreditation of the single course from IAB would include the statement "Course Accredited by IAB.”

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